Regaining Trust: A Story of Betrayal with Phil Waldrep

The Guys Like Us Podcast is joined with Phil Waldrep who is an author, speaker, founder, and CEO of numerous organizations including Phil Waldrep Ministries, Women of Joy, and Gridiron and Celebrators Conferences. In this episode we discuss the topic of betrayal and his book, “Beyond Betrayal: Overcome Past Hurts + Begin to Trust Again.” For Phil, this story begins close to home with one of his close business colleagues. We dive into the process that leads to healing and working back at establishing trust in another. In order to get a complete picture of the scope of betrayal, Phil moves beyond his experience to looking at what Jesus and the Bible says and does with this broken relationship. There are some signs that one can be proactive about to prevent these from happening and then there are some practices on one dealing with the effects once it has happened. You can find the book at Amazon and where books are sold!  

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